Major Known Issues
- You currently can not buy or sell cargo at Levski.
- 3D radars (both ship and helmet) are not rendering properly in planet atmosphere.
- VMA is a work in progress and has numerous issues.
- Some ships may be spawning without items or without the ability to “flight ready”. W/A: If this happens please file an insurance claim to replace the ship.
Feature Updates
- Failing an escort mission due to friendly fire now requires 2 incidents.
- Added a minimum jump distance to interdiction to avoid alerts popping up immediately after starting the jump animation.
- Gaining an initial invite to mission giver (Ruto and Eckhart) missions should now be easier.
- Enabled VMA item preview and fixed some issues with item preview on the PMA.
Ships and Vehicles
- Shifted some ship health to shield health.
- IFCS improvements to increase rotational stability.
- First implementation of dynamic inventory and pricing. Locations now have variable pricing that will fluctuate over-time based on stock levels and restock rates. Note: Still a work in progress and implemented at major spawn locations (GrimHex, Port Olisar, and Levski) only.
Bug Fixes
- There should no longer be commodity kiosks at Levski that lack ship destinations.
- Repaired the pilot seat animations on the 300 series ships.
- Fix for several ships that behaved erratically when near surfaces including: Scythe, Vanguard, Khartu-Al, Herald, and Glaive.
- The player should die as expected when their ship explodes while in an powered off state.
- Fixed a small reflective light on the canopy of the Scythe/Glaive.
- Fix for ships despawning shortly after the player exited.
- Co-pilots should no longer break pilot ship control if they enter first.
- Removed a ladder at the Caterpillar space derelict that was blocking access to mission objectives.
- Black box recovery missions on Cellin should no longer fail shortly after accepting the mission.
- Removed debug text from Gladius HUD.
- Fix for the name and price of items not appearing correctly during purchasing.
- The VMA should no longer repeat the ship list as you scroll.
- Fix for some weapons not having their sights attached when equipped through the PMA.
- Fixed an issue that caused mission deliveries to outposts to be impossible to complete.
- Elements of the combat visor should no longer be missing after the pilot exits the seat.
- Enabled scrollable description windows on the VMA and fixed various visual issues.
- AI ships spawning for environmental missions should no longer spawn on top of one another.
- The ship owner using bed logout should no longer leave the passengers in an unplayable state.
- Ships should once again be able to target one another in Arena Commander.
- Fix for the Cutlass not flying correctly in a straight line.
- Outposts should now be able to detect when a landing pad is in use by a ship before spawning a vehicle.
- Logging out on the planet’s surface from a ship’s bed should no longer cause the ship to respawn underneath the surface upon return.
- Corrected some dialogue issues during Escort missions.
- Players should now be able to swap and equip gimbals on the VMA.
- The Calico helmet should now have its HUD back.
- Repeatedly opening and closely the MobiGlas while in EVA should no longer break the character.
- Various crash fixes.
- Various performance tweaks.
Known Issues
Content missing key elements
- User Interface
- Insurance and Persistence
- Internal Ship Docking
- Comm System
Bugs, issues, and work arounds (W/A)
- First implementation of persistence bed spawning will have numerous bugs and issues.
- Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions.
- Repaired wings don’t always restore weapons.