Major Known Issues
- You may see some unusual AI, derelict, and asteroid activity around the verse.
- 3D radars (both ship and helmet) are not rendering properly in planet atmosphere.
- VMA is a work in progress and has numerous issues including: Unable to unequip shop components, 3D weapon holograms don’t rotate with ship, and some ships are missing hard-points.
- Control changes are incomplete and may have bugs and issues. Known: Alt modifier activates free look as well. Suicide does not function.
- Some ships may be spawning without items or without the ability to “flight ready”. W/A: If this happens please file an insurance claim to replace the ship.
- First implementation of persistence bed spawning will have numerous bugs and issues.
- Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions.
Focus Feature Updates
- Tweaked the fuel consumption rate back to previous values but kept the new fuel tank capacities and recharge rates.
- Moved Starmap icons to be camera facing in default view.
- Removed ATC from Cryastro.
- The Drake Cutlass Black has joined the derelict ranks.
- Added flares on planet derelicts to make them more visible at night.
- Increased the time of the Eckhart issued escort mission so that it doesn’t fail regularly.
- Rebalanced the pirate waves to remove the M50s.
- Added item port highlights to the PMA.
Ships and Vehicles
- Ship health and armor balance pass. Ship health now correlates more closely with the size of a ship. All ships now have varying degrees of armor, with those ships more dedicated to combat being more heavily armored. Note from the designer: “This means the smaller ships like the M50, Aurora and Mustangs will not have much health relative to the larger ships. This is intended as we are trying to apply a proper scale of health to all the ships. Armour has been balanced around the ship’s function. The intent is to balance it so that a ship’s armour reduces energy damage more than physical damage. The exception is with Vanduul ships, which have their damage multipliers reversed.”
- Ursa Rover: Turned on interior auxillary lighting, reduced overall health.
- Gladiator: Added more interaction prompts for entry and made interacting with them easier.
Bug Fixes
- Ships should now no longer be able to occupy the same space when returning after bed logout.
- The pilot’s feet should no longer be contorted backwards on the Dragonfly.
- Hangar flair plants should now properly render when placed.
- The port-side landing gear should now function properly on the Glaive.
- The throttle animation on the Mustangs should no longer be reversed.
- Various repairs to the Avenger Warlock and its EMP to get the ship fully functional again.
- Quantum jumps should now take planetary rotation into account, so players will no longer end up off of their intended destination.
- The copilot of the Cutlass should no longer steal weapon control from the pilot.
- Fix for Port Olisar not always obstructing quantum travel destinations.
- Adjusted seat access highlights for the Caterpillar command module to have interactions be at eye level and less prone to odd behavior.
- Altruciatoxin and Widow commodities should now be properly placed inside the destination ship when purchased.
- There should now be atmosphere in the zone between the body and the cockpit of the Herald.
- Weapons and turrets should now properly take and transfer damage to their parent ships.
- Entering the beds of the Constellations from 3rd person view should no longer snap the camera to the pilot seat.
- The player should now properly exit the seat when finished interacting with Eckhart.
- Fixed unattended ship marker remaining on the UI when a ship is cleaned up after illegal landing.
- Dying and then respawning in 3rd person view should no longer place the camera inside of the player’s head.
- Fixed holographic objects casting shadows from player helmet lights.
- The rear door of the prospector should now highlight properly when accessed via interaction system.
- Computer consoles and books should no longer overlap the delivery area at Port Olisar.
- Player suicide action should now function properly again.
- Fixed some seat exit issues with the Scythe so it should now work reliably.
- Fixed flight ready prompt on the Prospector floating away from the panel.
- The ship’s 3D radar should no longer generate particle effects.
- Removed a pillar in the Caterpillar cargo area where the ladders are located so the player doesn’t get stuck with a full cargo load.
- The cargo door control panel on the Reliant should now highlight properly with interaction system.
- Players should no longer have actions locked into a “carrying” state when throwing a carry-able item.
- Audio should now properly play when requesting a landing pad or landing.
- Dying while talking to the admin NPC should no longer break all interactions with them.
- The radar should no longer stay on when the Freelancer is powered off.
- The Aurora series should now have a radar.
- Added some missing Retaliator QT effects.
- Fixed incorrect targeting keymap for cycle friendly targets.
- Attempting to open the Starmap while inside an EZHab should no longer cause the player to get stuck.
- Swapped the VMA and Comms app icons.
- The Cutlass should now orient properly for auto-landing.
- Various Crash Fixes.
- Various small performance tweaks.
- Added internal tools to diagnose CPU spikes.
Non-Focus Feature Updates
Arena Commander
- Adjusted the shield components on Vanduul and pirate swarm enemies.
- New sniper scope texture.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a spawn/respawn issue in Vanduul swarm that would casual the cycle to repeat until you win.
- Various polish and fixes to visual issues in the VFG Industrial hangar.
Known Issues
- Content missing key elements:
- User Interface
- Insurance and Persistence
- Internal Ship Docking
- Comm System
Bugs, issues, and work arounds (W/A)
- Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions.
- Repaired wings don’t always restore weapons.