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Dołącz do Ater Dracones!

Szukasz wyborowego towarzystwa do gry w Star Citizena i nie tylko? W Ater Dracones znajdziesz sporo interesujących osób, wsparcie i fajny klimat, a także największą lecz posiadającą własny charakter praktycznie najstarszą aktywną polską organizację w SC.

Mimo iż jest nas wielu cenimy sobie indywidualność naszych członków, a aktywni mogą liczyć na możliwość kształtowania losów klanu.

Star Citizen V3.0.0ak PTU.685145

Data wydania: 2017.12.12

Major Known Issues

  • Control changes are incomplete and may have bugs and issues. Known: Alt modifier activates free look as well. Suicide does not function.
  • Some ships may be spawning without items or without the ability to “flight ready”. W/A: If this happens please file an insurance claim to replace the ship.
  • First implementation of persistence bed spawning will have numerous bugs and issues.
  • Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions.


Focus Feature Updates


  • Added basic keybinding for ship and vehicle lights to keyboard and gamepad.


  • Placing admin offices and NPCs at various outposts.


  • Enabled 3d radar StarMap for all relevant ships. To access this, enter interaction mode (hold “F”) and look at the radar. Basic controls: Hold middle mouse button and move the mouse up/down to zoom in/out. Hold the right mouse button to rotate the map and Radar. Hold the left mouse button to move the map and radar around.


Bug Fixes

  • The interaction prompt for entering the Buccaneer should now correctly highlight the cockpit.
  • Adjusted interaction points on the 300 series so it can be properly made flight ready.
  • The lifts/elevators at Levski should no longer appear to be in different places for different players.
  • The shopkeeper at KCtrending should now have voice and animation.
  • Adjusted piston animation for the rear door of the Cutlass so it works properly.
  • Automated turrets should be operational again.
  • Adjusted the shields on AI pirates.
  • Fixed missing music from Port Olisar.
  • Placing admin offices and NPCs at various outposts.
  • Self destruct sequence and audio should work outside of the cockpit of the Starfarer.
  • Players should no longer be able to retract the landing gear of ships inside the hangar.
  • Using an audio terminal more than once should no longer repeat the audio for the player doing the PI wanted mission.
  • Fixed holographic objects not rendering in Arena Commander ship customization menu.


  • Performance Tweak


Non-Focus Feature Updates

Non-Focus Feature Updates

  • Cargo
    • Cosmetic price rebalance for commodities.
    • Added new scrap and waste 1 SCU commodity.


Known Issues

Content missing key elements

  • User Interface
  • Insurance and Persistence
  • Internal Ship Docking
  • Comm System

Bugs, issues, and work arounds (W/A)

  • Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions.
  • Vehicle customizer app on wrong MobiGlas button and not yet functioning.
  • Repaired wings don’t always restore weapons.


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