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[] Galactic Tour’s Dogfighter of the Year

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

A word from our host


Astro Armada Presents


The voting is over and the results have been tallied. Which works out perfectly as the winner of “Bomber of the Year” is in fact the Tali. Turns out size does matter, at least when you’re looking to wipe something from the face of existence. Many of you were quick to praise the mighty Aegis Retaliator for its ability to deliver massive payloads and for those of you who were hoping I was going to make some sort of wordplay off of how the results were a total bombshell or something like that, sorry, I just won’t do it. Standards.

Don’t worry if your ship of choice didn’t win the last poll, Galactic Tour’s Fan Favourite Flyer isn’t ready to call it quits yet. This week we are going to have you decide which carefully crafted craft is deserving of the title “Dogfighter of the Year.”


Aegis Dynamics Sabre

It is said that in life there are the quick and there are the dead. It’s also said that the fastest way to sort out which is which is by putting them up against an Aegis Sabre. Those who have experienced flying against this nimble fighter often compare the experience to be kicked in the face by a ballerina. Which from my personal experience, sounds a bit more enjoyable than actually having to watch one.


Consolidated Outland’s Mustang Delta

Straight from the mind of Silas Koerner and into your trigger happy hands comes this meaty variant of the Mustang. Maybe not the obvious choice at first glance, but it is worth noting that insider sources have revealed that the Navy considered adding the Delta to their roster, and rightly so. Its unique hull construction provides a strength that belies its svelte frame, and with Consolidated Outland’s very own Calvary Class Mass Reduction Armor sprinkled on top, you have yourself a ship that’s not only hard to spot, but tough to take down.

So, what say you? Quirky outsider or the cool guy? Sword or Greek letter? “Dogfighter of the Year” or “Same Old Ship?” Vote and let us know!


About the Poll, Retaliator sale and Free test flight!

Attention Citizens!

Last week’s winner, the Retaliator Bomber, is now available for purchase (and upgrades) in the pledge store. It will stay available until the end of the new poll, Sept 30th 9AM Pacific time.

We’ve also unlocked the Sabre and the Delta for use by all backers through Friday, September 30. Take them out for a test flight and then cast your vote right here for which deserves the title of Galactic Tour’s Dogfighter of the Year. The winning ship will also return to the pledge store the following week, so choose wisely. See you on the battlefield!

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:miecio: :ad: sig_neb.png :ad: :miecio: 

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. - Rhett Butler

I am the Law. - Judge Dredd

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    • Przez Mati
      Tak przewrotnie zapytam:
      Skoro parafrazując klasyka "I nie ma tu już nikogo" to kto teraz zgasi światło?
    • Przez Frosty
      Sprzedam konto w Star Citizen.
      W skład wchodzi:
      - paczka z Aurorą MR (24 miesiące ubezpieczenia);
      - Dragonfly Black ( Zaloguj się aby zobaczyć tę zawartość. 
       Zaloguj się aby zobaczyć tę zawartość. 
       Zaloguj się aby zobaczyć tę zawartość. 
    • Przez number10
      Cześć, ostatnimi czasy myślę coraz bardziej nad poszerzeniem swojej floty, jedyne co mnie powstrzymuje to dosyć wysokie ceny jak na grę,  z tym związane jest moje pytanie. Jakie są wasze triki na obniżenie ceny? Podzielcie się proszę swoimi sposobami na oszczędzanie. Wprowadzam ten temat do poradników aby inni gracze również mogli  przeczytać wszystkie porady. 
    • Przez Riddick88
      Witajcie. Chciałbym odzyskać pieniądze za grę i w mojej paczce mam opcje exchange i mam napisane 
      You are about to exchange your PACKAGE - AURORA MR SC STARTER pledge.
      This will remove the pledge, including any upgrades (such as customizations or CCUs) from your account awarding $195.00 USD in store credit.
      This process is intended to be final, although some pledges may be available for reacquisition using the BuyBack system, if applicable and as long as the BuyBack system remains available. Items acquired with the use of store credits are BOUND TO YOUR ACCOUNT and non-giftable.
      Type in your password to confirm:
      Jak mi przejdą te pieniądze do kredytów mogę je jakoś przelać na konto??
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